Philosophers who are fellow Pilgrims

The following philosophers believe in God and are followers of Jesus.

They have different perspectives and may be at different places on life’s spiritual pilgrimage, but they have all made a commitment to follow Jesus on this pilgrimage.

1. Alvin Plantinga– is the John A. O’Brien Professor of Philosophy Emeritus at the University of Notre Dame, and holds the Jellema Chair in Philosophy at Calvin College. His undergraduate studies were at Harvard University and Calvin College. He did graduate studies at the University of Michigan and Yale University, where he completed his Ph.D. He taught at Yale, Wayne State University, Calvin College and Notre Dame.

2. Nicholas Wolterstorff – was the Noah Porter Professor of Philosophical Theology  at Yale University. He also was a visiting professor at Harvard University, Princeton University, Oxford University, Notre Dame, and several other universities. He served as the Presdent of the American Philosophical Association (central division). He received his M.A. and Ph.D. in Philosophy from Harvard University and received two fellowships there. He also was chosen to receive a Fulbright Scholarship.  He has authored many books including Justice: Rights and Wrongs.  Concerning this book, F. G. Kirkpatrick wrote in Chooice magazine, “Wolterstorff does a magnificent job of developing a sustained argument for the thesis that the only solid foundation for grounding human rights is biblical theism… Readers will be rewarded with a sense of having been brought into the presence of a highly intelligent mind…”

3. Peter van Inwagen – is a professor of Philosophy at Notre Dame University. He is also a Research Professor of Philosophy at Duke University. He received his undergraduate education at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute and his D. Phil from the University of Rochester. He has given series of lectures on philosophy at the University of London, Oxford University, Princeton University, University of St. Andrews (Scotland), and the University of Munster (Germany). He served as President of the American Philosophical Association (central division). He has written many books including The Problem of Evil (and he edited the book, Christian Faith and the Problem of Evil).

Rudy Mitchell

I received my undergraduate education at Cornell University and received a masters degree from Trinity International University. I reside in Boston where I am a Senior Researcher and teach part time at the graduate level.

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